[utah-devel] UTAH Weekly Meeting
Gema Gomez
2012-09-12 16:18:47 UTC

the summary for the meeting this week:


- We have added desktop images support this week, now we can install
desktop images with cobbler, but using NFS.
* James suggested that nuclearbob talks to roaksoax who has been
working on server installs without NFS for MAAS and may be able to give
us some pointers.

- Max has also been working on ARM provisioning, integrating the scripts
from rbasak. They seem to be working well and we plan to have this
integrated by the end of the week.

- Regarding graphical testing (starting a desktop session and running
tests on it)
* We need to create a script (or reuse one that the ps team are using)
that sets the display to the local display.
* Need to provide autologin capabilities via UTAH (which involves
modifying slightly the preseed)

James is working on using UTAH for the Server team, some more feedback:
- Found his first bug with UTAH this week!
- Migrated existing server tests[1] (except the RAID one [2], and the
LAMP rebooting test which is on his list next).
- Suggestions:
* LXC has a comprehensive set of tests that they'd like to run as a
whole, so being able to embed a third party test suite is desiderable.
It seems this is possible now,
* It'd be nice to be able to grab a file before the test environment
is destroyed -> nuclearbob is working on adding an option to the command
line and config file to enable this, the copy of any file/logs/etc
before the test environment goes away, this is particularly useful in
environments where there is payment involved in the execution of tests.
* There is a need for EC2 provisioning and other cloud technologies,
which will be looked into.
- James also provided us with the preseeds templating code[3] so that we
can integrate it in utah's current functionality.


[1] https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server-dev/utah/server-tests-quantal
[2] https://bugs.launchpad.net/utah/+bug/1043419
Gema Gomez-Solano <gema.gomez-solano at canonical.com>
Ubuntu QA Team https://launchpad.net/~gema.gomez
Canonical Ltd. http://www.canonical.com
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